Thursday, October 25, 2012

Teaching About Drug Testing Welfare

-Drug testing Welfare is a very important topic. For a critical attribute, we want the class to understand that if someone is giving you money because you are struggling to survive, it is not okay to go and use the money for something else just like some people use to Government money to go and buy drugs. We do not want anyone to get the idea that is fine to go and use the money for something that is not what the money was for. 

- Our informational knowledge for our topic is that we know that people are out their abusing the system and using their welfare money to buy drugs. The procedural knowledge is what the big debate of our topic is which would be the steps to take in order to make sure people stop abusing the system. This is a big issue because we can not go and just drug test everyone because of the cost of it. The Government needs to find  steps to go about and make sure the money goes to people who will not abuse the system and use it for good. 

-Some key concepts that the class should know about our topic are
Welfare: Assistants from the Government on people who can not afford to survive on their own and support their families. 

Drug Testing: a way to test to see if someone has taken drugs. It will show up on the test if they have

Independents: No need for help form Government. Someone who can support their family

Abusing: Making habitually use of something. Most of the time it is something illegal. 

How would we teach this to class?
We would first look at what drug testing is and what it means to be drug tested. We would then discuss who in our society usually gets drug tested and why they get tested. We would ask the class what they were looking for in the drug test. By asking these questions we would be introducing the topic to the class.
After the introduction we would then state that one of the issues that this country is facing today is the controversy with drug testing people that recieve welfare. We would then ask the class why they think this is an issue and then ask them IF they think this is an issue. 
We would be asking questions like, is this a government or state problem? Why is there no laws put in place? And what do you think should be done?

-As a group we plan on helping as a group and maybe just donate can goods to a homeless shelter and possibly visit as shelter to see how people who should be getting the Governments help and who are trying really hard to find jobs are struggling and help them out

Individual Posts:

Courtney Lynch

I signed the petition about drug testing welfare is all states.Which says that their should be random drug testing on welfare. I agree with this and it felt good to sign the petition. I felt that I was making a difference. Signing this petition made me connect with my values. I personally think their should be some type of test done to make sure people don't abuse the system and by signing the petition, I stuck up for my values. 

I thinking teaching social justice is very important and I feel it pays an important part for the public good. I think that it is to help students understand issues and the proper way to handle these issues that will make them better citizens and contribute to making a better country.

The quote I found very interesting. I feel that our nation was created because of Social Justice struggles. I also feel that social justice issues still exist today and we should address them and solve the issues that we face.  

Krystina Marini

I also signed the same petition that Courtney did. When she told me that there was a petition online I already knew that was what I was going to do for my take action piece. By signing this petition it is telling people that I care and that I want to see something change in this country. Just signing this petition gives me some type of voice on this problem. I really do feel like i made a difference.It might have been a smal difference but I felt like I made a small change. 

Social justice is very important to teach in schools today. It teaches about current problems that we are facing and ways that we could change them . It shows the students current and upcoming problems. 

Jillian Clark

I had also signed this petition. Like stated, it's difficult to come up with a service learning project to do for drug testing because we can't go out and started drug testing people. I had no idea there was a petition until Courtney had mentioned it. I figured this was a good way to make a difference with Drug Testing for Welfare. I think this is very important. I don't think that anyone should be taken advantage of. I personally hate that feeling. I signed this because it's a way for me to voice my opinion and to make a difference. I do feel like I made a difference, although just one more signature isn't going to seal the deal and have anyone force Drug Testing.

I'm not sure how we would be teaching this specific issue in schools or even if we should. I do believe that educating students on social justice issues is very important though. I wish my teachers had done so with me. I often feel lost in discussions or with elections because I don't know much information or how to collect much of it.

I do believe that "struggle for social justice is central to our nation's history." I see it as a reason why more nations are created. We branch off based on our beliefs, and we try to create somewhere better. Everyone is concerned about something, though it is very unlikely that there will be a day where such struggles and issues will no longer exist because peoples opinions will differ. We should continue to address these problems as we are to try our best to make the world a better place, even though it's going to be difficult and we may live the rest of our lives making a change but never getting to see it ourselves.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eryn's Interview


Deanna Kenney
Director of local Childcare Center

Topic: Drug Testing Welfare

Is this a problem you think is important?
yeah drug abusing on welfare is a problem.  There are a lot of people who abuse the system.     I think there are a lot of single parent families that do not abuse the system that should not be labelled with everyone else.  I think if there is a problem maybe there should be a drug testing system in place but i think this should be part of  the system for welfare anyway.
I also believe there is more abuse of welfare than just drugs.  people on welfare are able to get nice cars and afford expensive things that the average middle class family is unable to afford.

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem?

yes I do.  In the business i am in I hear people talk about this all the time.  There are too many people that abuse the system and it needs to be reexamined.

What Policy, if any, does the government now have to deal with this problem?

I don't believe there is a policy a policy in place.  i believe a policy is necessary but it should not be on the rest of the tax payers to cover.  I also think there should be a time limit as to how long you can be on welfare.  it should be there to help people over a hurdle rather than a permanent way for people to survive.

Why do you feel the government has yet to make a policy for this issue?
There is not enough man power and there is not an easy solution.

What would be an advantage if the government did have a policy and drug tested welfare?
they may catch some of the people that are using the welfare money to buy drugs rather than food for their families

What would be the disadvantages?
cost and manpower to but this through.  It would take too much from the government
Deanna believes something needs to be done about the people using the money for drugs but she believes it will cost too much to put this through.  She finds there are too many people abusing the system but the government does not have the money to get this done.  Something needs to be done but it may not be something the government can handle on their own.  if some people begin to get caught maybe people will be less likely to do this.

Courtney's Interview


Shea Bogart
(Salem State Student)

Topic: Drug Testing Welfare

Is this a problem you think is important?
 -Yes because there are some people who may be a single mother who deserve the welfare and get turn down while other people who do not deserve it go out and abuse it by using the money for drugs. Personally I think something needs to be changed in order to make sure the right people get welfare and don't abuse the system. 

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem?
- Yes I think people in the community think this is an important issue. The money that the people on welfare get is coming form us. If they are abusing the system, they are abusing our money. I think there are people out there who deserve the money and they are not getting it. 

What Policy, if any, does the government now have to deal with this problem?

-I don't think there is a policy right now. I feel that because there is no policy at the moment, that is why this is a big issue. The government needs to work on a better way of providing welfare that will stop people who are abusing the system and give it to people who truly need it.

Why do you feel the government has yet to make a policy for this issue?
-I feel money is major problem. I feel like it will cost the government too much money to drug test everyone who gets welfare. They need to come up with a plan that won't be expensive, but stops the people who cheat the system.

What would be an advantage if the government did have a policy and drug tested welfare?
-people who do abuse the system will be caught and it will give a chance for other people who deserve the money more to possible get welfare.  

What would be the disadvantages?
-It would cost the government too much money and then we will be paying more money. 

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
 -The Internet is a great place to find more information about this topic. I also feel asking people would also allow you to get a good idea if people are against or for drug testing welfare.

Shea believed that drug testing should be done in order for people to receive welfare. She felt that many people are abusing the system and are using the money to buy drugs. She feels that as community, this is a big issue because it is our money that they are using to buy and abuse drugs. She also feels that there are people out there who are not receiving welfare who should be and because of the people who are abusing the system, this people can't receive money to help them. However, she felt that this is a complicated issue because if the government did decide to drug test everyone, it will cost the government a lot of money that in the end, we will be paying for. I agree with her. It is complicated issue and they just can't start drug testing everyone. A policy needs to be put into place that will help insure that our money goes to people who truly need it.

Krystina's Interview

Problem: Drug testing for welfare

Your Name: Tom Marini (Dad)
The Problem: Drug Testing for Welfare
Are you okay with us putting a picture of you up here next to your interview?
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
-Yes, by testing them you know the money is being utilized for there families and not for drugs or alcohol. Hiring in the health care field requires drug testing along with many other occupations. So if it required for a job then it should be required to qualify on taxpayer funded assistance.
Do you think others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
Yes, for the same reason that I stated for the previous question. From my experience the majority of American citizens believe in welfare assistance for those who really need it as long as the money is being used properly.
What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
None to my knowledge, but there used to be a “work for welfare program” to prove that you were looking for a job to receive the benefits. I believe the current administration has eliminated this program where you do not need proof.
What are advantages of this policy?
The advantages could be that it would reduce drug dependency if the people really needed the money. It will make the people get help to become drug free and sober. 
What are disadvantages of this policy?
Some disadvantages for it would be it will cost the government to give drug tests but some of the cost would be made up by the people that test positive.
How might the policy be improved?
Two strike policy. If you test  positive twice then you are no longer eligible for the benefits
Does the policy need to be replaced?  why?
A policy should be implemented.
What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
Some people do not believe that we need to be drug tested.
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?

Tom has very strong beliefs when it comes to having to be drug tested in order to get welfare. He believes that the welfare money should be used towards the families that really need it. He does believe that there are people that use the system and abuse it. If there was a drug test required for welfare then it would eliminate the possibility that people would be using it towards drugs and alcohol. I do think it was a good idea that if the person tested positive twice than they are no longer allowed to use the system anymore. It allows the person to test positive once and still be able to try and change for the better. I also agree with him when he stated that if there was a law that stated about testing positive and not being allowed in the program anymore because of this, more people would be forced to become clean and sober. I also could not believe that there was a program "work for welfare program"  that made sure the people that were on welfare was still looking for a job. But this administration eliminated this program that the country would benefit from. One problem about giving drug tests to everyone that is on welfare is the government spending That it would be to much money. The government would be saving money from the people that test positive, they would not have to give them money.

Jill's Interview


Judy Clark (Mother)
Problem: Drug Testing for Welfare
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
- Yes a big problem due to government wasted money and helping drug abusers with their addiction. I believe this is very important. This should be voted on at the elections.  I do agree but I do find drug testing somewhat of a problem due to the expense on govenment/taxpayers. Also their children no matter will need government assistance.
Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?
- Yes very important. Most people find it to be a good idea and many organizations use a drug testing system on hiring etc.
What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
- The expense of properly testing and verifying results.   Problem if denying welfare the children suffer and the government needs to find a way to help this drug addict get medical care. (take their kids away)
What are advantages of this policy?
- Possibly discovering the drug users.   Getting them treated or at least protecting their innocent children in some way.
What are disadvantages of this policy?
- The great expense to government/ tax payers on testing. Drug abusers can falsify tests or sustain use until after the test.  etc.-  The kids suffer with foster care or no food at all.
How might the policy be improved?
- Instead of giving welfare persons money, checks, debitcards-actually have the government/welfare pay rents directly to landlords and distribute foods at welfare centers like they did in the 1950-1970's.  These centers can only sell approved foods and no other foods or items.  The government needs to control its tax payers money.  Do not put money accessible to welfare. 
Does the policy need to be replaced?  why?
Yes..  Too many loop holes or easy ways to spend welfare money......Control stores to one or two per community with government follow ups.  Do not allow person to get cash back from debit purchases etc.
What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
- The Cost of testing.. Unfair testing to welfare persons who are not abusers or have illnesses treated with medication.
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
- The US or State senate or house of Representative your local politicians or local newspapers may have articles in their archives.
My review of this interview

Judy believes that some people do take advantage of the system, people such as drug abusers. Also, this could be a way of the government finding out who needs help and to apply that. Although, it is a good idea for drug testing, just like many things, it has it's downsides. Downsides would consist of the government coming up with the money to pay for these tests, as well as people to verify the results. Also, these drug abusers children not getting the support they may need. If we were to deny someones parent welfare where the child desperately needed it how could we help out this child? Should the child even be under this persons adult supervision. But we'd probably end up paying for all of this through taxes just as we are with welfare. I think that she makes a good point when she states that welfare should be handled better and in ways that the applicants can't get use out of their money where they shouldn't be. That things should be handled like they were in 1950-1970s. That there seems to be too many loop holes where people use this money for other things besides shelter, clothes, and food. 

If this was a policy, would it be a smart one? Could we think of a proper way to drug test, and help those in need without taking more money out of other peoples pockets or any other possible bad outcomes? 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

THE PROBLEM: People who are abusing the system.

TOPIC: Drug Testing for Welfare Applicants

THE PROBLEM: People who are abusing the system.

Drug testing? Good or bad

There is a reason for pushing drug testing for welfare applicants, we have the right to know that they are not using this money for something that is other than what is required such as food, and something that also isn't doing any good for them. We have looked around and we have noticed that some states have been testing the waters with this. If you look at some of our links you will notice two leading to Florida & Arizona.

Another site we had come across we saw many interesting opinions about making testing mandatory. These opinions were from the House of Representatives. A lot agree that welfare applicants should be tested because it has been known that a good percent abuse the system. People are using the money given to them by the state for drugs.

Some of our favorite interesting viewpoints...

"Unemployment insurance is meant to be a safety net, a bridge to re-employment. So with all our budget woes, why pay someone not to work when he has voluntarily taken himself out of the hiring pool? That is what we are doing when someone on unemployment is using drugs."


"I would require drug testing only of welfare applicants with a history of substance abuse, not all of them. The demand would then be legally more defensible. And rather than exclude users completely, I would allow them onto aid, if otherwise eligible, provided they entered treatment and left drugs within a few months. Coming clean would become part of a rehabilitation plan leading to employment. This would be more lenient than Florida, but it could well be more effective in reducing drug use and promoting work."