Thursday, October 4, 2012

THE PROBLEM: People who are abusing the system.

TOPIC: Drug Testing for Welfare Applicants

THE PROBLEM: People who are abusing the system.

Drug testing? Good or bad

There is a reason for pushing drug testing for welfare applicants, we have the right to know that they are not using this money for something that is other than what is required such as food, and something that also isn't doing any good for them. We have looked around and we have noticed that some states have been testing the waters with this. If you look at some of our links you will notice two leading to Florida & Arizona.

Another site we had come across we saw many interesting opinions about making testing mandatory. These opinions were from the House of Representatives. A lot agree that welfare applicants should be tested because it has been known that a good percent abuse the system. People are using the money given to them by the state for drugs.

Some of our favorite interesting viewpoints...

"Unemployment insurance is meant to be a safety net, a bridge to re-employment. So with all our budget woes, why pay someone not to work when he has voluntarily taken himself out of the hiring pool? That is what we are doing when someone on unemployment is using drugs."


"I would require drug testing only of welfare applicants with a history of substance abuse, not all of them. The demand would then be legally more defensible. And rather than exclude users completely, I would allow them onto aid, if otherwise eligible, provided they entered treatment and left drugs within a few months. Coming clean would become part of a rehabilitation plan leading to employment. This would be more lenient than Florida, but it could well be more effective in reducing drug use and promoting work."

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