Monday, October 8, 2012

Jill's Interview


Judy Clark (Mother)
Problem: Drug Testing for Welfare
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
- Yes a big problem due to government wasted money and helping drug abusers with their addiction. I believe this is very important. This should be voted on at the elections.  I do agree but I do find drug testing somewhat of a problem due to the expense on govenment/taxpayers. Also their children no matter will need government assistance.
Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?
- Yes very important. Most people find it to be a good idea and many organizations use a drug testing system on hiring etc.
What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
- The expense of properly testing and verifying results.   Problem if denying welfare the children suffer and the government needs to find a way to help this drug addict get medical care. (take their kids away)
What are advantages of this policy?
- Possibly discovering the drug users.   Getting them treated or at least protecting their innocent children in some way.
What are disadvantages of this policy?
- The great expense to government/ tax payers on testing. Drug abusers can falsify tests or sustain use until after the test.  etc.-  The kids suffer with foster care or no food at all.
How might the policy be improved?
- Instead of giving welfare persons money, checks, debitcards-actually have the government/welfare pay rents directly to landlords and distribute foods at welfare centers like they did in the 1950-1970's.  These centers can only sell approved foods and no other foods or items.  The government needs to control its tax payers money.  Do not put money accessible to welfare. 
Does the policy need to be replaced?  why?
Yes..  Too many loop holes or easy ways to spend welfare money......Control stores to one or two per community with government follow ups.  Do not allow person to get cash back from debit purchases etc.
What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
- The Cost of testing.. Unfair testing to welfare persons who are not abusers or have illnesses treated with medication.
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
- The US or State senate or house of Representative your local politicians or local newspapers may have articles in their archives.
My review of this interview

Judy believes that some people do take advantage of the system, people such as drug abusers. Also, this could be a way of the government finding out who needs help and to apply that. Although, it is a good idea for drug testing, just like many things, it has it's downsides. Downsides would consist of the government coming up with the money to pay for these tests, as well as people to verify the results. Also, these drug abusers children not getting the support they may need. If we were to deny someones parent welfare where the child desperately needed it how could we help out this child? Should the child even be under this persons adult supervision. But we'd probably end up paying for all of this through taxes just as we are with welfare. I think that she makes a good point when she states that welfare should be handled better and in ways that the applicants can't get use out of their money where they shouldn't be. That things should be handled like they were in 1950-1970s. That there seems to be too many loop holes where people use this money for other things besides shelter, clothes, and food. 

If this was a policy, would it be a smart one? Could we think of a proper way to drug test, and help those in need without taking more money out of other peoples pockets or any other possible bad outcomes? 

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