Monday, October 8, 2012

Courtney's Interview


Shea Bogart
(Salem State Student)

Topic: Drug Testing Welfare

Is this a problem you think is important?
 -Yes because there are some people who may be a single mother who deserve the welfare and get turn down while other people who do not deserve it go out and abuse it by using the money for drugs. Personally I think something needs to be changed in order to make sure the right people get welfare and don't abuse the system. 

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem?
- Yes I think people in the community think this is an important issue. The money that the people on welfare get is coming form us. If they are abusing the system, they are abusing our money. I think there are people out there who deserve the money and they are not getting it. 

What Policy, if any, does the government now have to deal with this problem?

-I don't think there is a policy right now. I feel that because there is no policy at the moment, that is why this is a big issue. The government needs to work on a better way of providing welfare that will stop people who are abusing the system and give it to people who truly need it.

Why do you feel the government has yet to make a policy for this issue?
-I feel money is major problem. I feel like it will cost the government too much money to drug test everyone who gets welfare. They need to come up with a plan that won't be expensive, but stops the people who cheat the system.

What would be an advantage if the government did have a policy and drug tested welfare?
-people who do abuse the system will be caught and it will give a chance for other people who deserve the money more to possible get welfare.  

What would be the disadvantages?
-It would cost the government too much money and then we will be paying more money. 

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
 -The Internet is a great place to find more information about this topic. I also feel asking people would also allow you to get a good idea if people are against or for drug testing welfare.

Shea believed that drug testing should be done in order for people to receive welfare. She felt that many people are abusing the system and are using the money to buy drugs. She feels that as community, this is a big issue because it is our money that they are using to buy and abuse drugs. She also feels that there are people out there who are not receiving welfare who should be and because of the people who are abusing the system, this people can't receive money to help them. However, she felt that this is a complicated issue because if the government did decide to drug test everyone, it will cost the government a lot of money that in the end, we will be paying for. I agree with her. It is complicated issue and they just can't start drug testing everyone. A policy needs to be put into place that will help insure that our money goes to people who truly need it.

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